I’m not formally participating in Ali Edwards’ class, or in any informal group, but I’ve decided to try out this “One Little Word” idea. Actually, this one kind of found me. With everything that’s going on, I kept thinking of this word:
1 : to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude<release hostages> <release pent-up emotions> <release the brakes>; also : to let go : dismiss <released from her job>
2 : to relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses <was released from her promise>
3 : to give up in favor of another : relinquish <release a claim to property>
from http://www.merriam-webster.com
In 2011, I want to
Release myself from worry:
about buying a house
about selling a house
about money
about relationships
Release myself from stress
from work
from trying to get everything done
from trying to make everything perfect
from trying to please everyone except myself
I am keeping my word in mind, and when stress and worry rear their ugly head, I take a deep breathe and repeat my word.
On another note, you might have noticed a lack of scrappy projects on the ol’ blog lately. We’ve decluttered the house for staging/showing, and put everything that is not absolutely essential to our daily routine in storage, including all of my scrap supplies. Until we get settled in a new home, posts, especially scrap-related, might be fewer than normal. Sorry.